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[CIT2013]去肾交感神经化技术的生理学依据——Baker IDI Heart&Diabetes Institute Murray D. Esler教授专访
作者:M.D.Esler 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2013/4/2 15:30:28    加入收藏
 标签:  关键字:去肾交感神经术 糖尿病 心力衰竭 RDN 

Murray D. Esler教授  Baker IDI Heart&Diabetes Institute  

  <International Circulation>: In addition to hypertension,activation of the sympathetic nervous system results in atherosclerosis, heart failure, kidney failure, etc. Are there additional benefits, aside from lowering blood pressure, to renal denervation?

  Prof. Esler: There are a couple of proven benefits of inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system from renal denervation. One is a clear positive effect in diabetes and insulin resistance. That works by the reduction in sympathetic tone to skeletal muscle increase blood flow to and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle, which is a major factor in insulin resistance. That has been shown in clinical data. Renal denervation is about a s powerful as the most commonly used drug, metformin. That is one benefit. The second is that we have found with RDN in HT that reversal of left ventricular hypertrophy occurs readily, faster, and to a greater degree than you would expect from the blood pressure reduction. That is because sympathies tone effects cardiacmyocyte growth and ventricular hypertrophy. Those are two benefits.



  <International Circulation>:Do you think that the indications for RDN will be expanded given these additional benefits?

  Prof. Esler: I think the indication will be expanded. It is drawing a long bow to suggest that we will treat diabetes with RDN, but clearly there is drift towards wider application of the method. Renal HT, which is not an approved indication, has a pile of data indicating that there is good bpreduction. The trial work in HF, where the sympathetic nervous outflow to the kidneys is activated, is clearly adverse. I would expect in years to come that the indications would be expanded to treatment of renal HT and HF at least.



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