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[CIT2013]PCI治疗患者中辅助药物的选择——美国Mount Sinai医学院Roxana Mehran教授专访
作者:R.Mehran 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2013/4/2 17:50:38    加入收藏
 标签:  关键字:PCI 抗栓治疗 心肌梗死 

Roxana Mehran教授  美国Mount Sinai医学院

   <International Circulation>: How do we balance safety and efficacy when it comes to antithrombotic treatment?

  Prof. Mehran:That is an incredibly important question because he balance of ischemia vereus bleeding is what a clinician thinks about they approach a patient. They have to choose therapies that might increase their risk of bleeding but at the same time protect them from ischemic events. Obviously, whenever you give a potent agent and you are going after someone’s thrombotic risk, there is going to be some exposure to bleeding. You never want that bleeding risk to outweigh the benefit of protection from ischemic risk. We normally perform a risk stratification. We ask ourselves, is this patient more at risk for bleeding and what is more important? In some cases, this is simple. An old, small lady may have small blockages will not have an important need for potent antiplatelt agents. Exposing her to an extra risk would not be beneficial choice. However, a young, male patient who shows up with an anterior wall MI, whose risk from reocclusion and re-infarction from thrombosis is quite high, in an important artery, you really want to protect them from an ischemic burden. So, are willing to take the chance of a bleeding complication. The difficult part is that many patients have both risks, that is when clinical judgment becomes much more difficult.



  <International Circulation>: What research is being done into antithrombotic therapy?

  Prof. Mehran:Keeping to patient risk, unfortunately, clinical trials place all patients into one bucket, and they do not use risk stratification or personalized medicine to see if it really works. The future of research is going to have to rely on comparative effectiveness in certain risk populations to see which one of the agents are best in whom. That has to be the subject of future research. Unfortunately, presently, the new agents are being tested against the weak agents, rather than testing against each other. The problem is that everyone falls into the same risk-category and that is going to have to change.




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